
A technology enthusiast with an urge to explore into vast areas of advancing technologies. Experienced in domains like Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Big data. Believes in open source contributions and loves to provide support to the community. Actively involved in building open-source tools related to information retrieval.

Nov 11, 2020

Flask Vs FastAPI which one should you choose?

If you're stepping into machine learning, its important to have a good...
  • General
Aug 11, 2020

Getting started with GPT-3 model by OpenAI – The largest AI language model ever created

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, more commonly known as GPT-3, is an...
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • General
Jul 28, 2020

Image classification using transfer learning and Pytorch

In this article, we'll be discussing on how image classification using transfer...
  • Artificial Intelligence