We believe in AI and every day we innovate to make it better than yesterday. We believe in helping others to benefit from the wonders of AI and also in extending a hand to guide them to step their journey to adapt with future.
Technology enthusiast with an urge to explore into vast areas of advancing technologies. Experienced in domains like Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Big data. Believes in open source contributions and loves to provide support to the community. Actively involved in building open source tools related to information retrieval.
For most ordinary folks, weather forecasting is a small bit at the end of the news shows they view regularly. Most don’t even pay attention to it unless there is a serious announcement of an impending storm or similar natural catastrophes. However, for governments around the world and some industries like agriculture, marine and aviation […]
Data is often considered the oil of the 21st century. To move forward in a world increasingly being influenced by digital transformation, businesses need to generate as many actionable insights as possible from the business data. This can help the management to make data-driven decisions across their entire operational landscape. Even before the COVID 19 […]
Consumer-facing digital channels are set to embrace the power of AI and machine learning to offer better experiences. Alongside this, businesses are adopting new AI capabilities within their operations to help catch up with the pace at which data needs to be analyzed and processed to meet customer expectations. Although entrusting AI systems to handle […]
According to Gartner, enterprises leveraging AI systems will add an additional business value of over USD 2.9 Trillion by 2021. Today, AI is no longer an experimental prototype that companies show off to the world during tech events, but a mainstream component of customer experience. From smart assistants on mobile phones like Siri, Google Now, […]
This is the fourth part in the article series – ‘Getting started with Julia language’. If you have ever attempted to write an application, then you would have come across Julia multiple times before. Julia is a high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language. It is an ideal choice for programs that require numerical computations, such as, ML/AI. […]
E-commerce fraud has become a serious problem ever since the world has become increasingly dependent on digital media. A few decades ago, the online shopping industry was still in its nascent stage. However, times have changed considerably since then. As people become more inclined towards shopping from the comfort of their homes, we can see […]
Welcome to the third part in the article series – ‘Getting started with Julia language’. Julia language is growing in popularity among data scientists, many surveys has listed it as one in top 5 programming languages for data scientists. Mostly due to the factors such as the faster execution time and speedier development process facilitated by […]
This is the second article in the ‘Getting started with Julia language’ series. In the previous article, we discussed the strengths and limitations of Julia. We also covered the environment setup of Julia on Ubuntu 20.04. Now that you have a basic idea about the language and how to set it up, it’s time to dive […]
In the this article, we’ll discuss how to get started with Julia programming language. Whenever a new programming language makes an appearance, we have to ask ourselves whether learning it is worth it or not. This is what happened when Julia programming language was first released. However, over the years, Julia proved itself to be […]